Session 1: When in-person meetings are on hold, how can we build a compliant email campaign?
  • 3 x email case studies covering email envelopes, variable fields, open text fields, links and sign-offs
  • What does PAAB mean when we say “Consistent with the indication, dosing, patient population and outcomes.”?

Examples of questions being answered:  

  • Place in therapy claim: What to do if you have guidelines for first line use but the indication is after failure?
  • Presentation of epidemiology data: If your drug is indicated for disease A and disease B, can you show the frequency that patients are afflicted with both diseases simultaneously if PM only addresses the diseases separately?
  • Differential diagnosis: If the indication is for moderate to severe disease, how can I show symptoms of mild disease?
Session 2: Banner ads: Small space, limited time, big claims! How to maximize real estate. A case study covering rotating banner ads, click through, multiple ads throughout a spread & teaser banner ads
  • What types of claims require quantification and qualification and what does this mean for the surface of your banner ads?

Examples of questions being answered:

  • How do I present the relative claims and absolute values in a multiframe banner ad?
  • Can I have an exempt formulary message banner and link it to the formulary website?
  • Can I link an otherwise exempt banner ad to a PAAB approved website?
Session 3: Digital Conferences: What have we seen? What do we know? How could you show?
  • Attend our training session on DIGITAL CONFERENCES to learn how to compliantly present your brand and company in this virtual world
  • Do's & don'ts of conference booths and posters: Understand acceptable claims and linkages
  • How to use the 'chat' function compliantly to engage with attendees

“Digital conferences have taken off since the beginning of COVID and there are a lot of common mistakes which we’ll cover in the training”

Examples of questions being answered:

  • Can I have a corporate booth with all my brands? Are there any attachments I should not pair together?
  • Can a conference presentation be brought to you by a brand?
  • What approval process do 'swag bag' materials go through?
Session 4: Creating and driving traffic to your HCP website

Through examples that also explore code fundamentals on:

  • Assessing sources in addition to the TMA
  • Know the regulatory audiences with a focus on consumer regulation
  • Non-inferiority, subjective endpoints, and accurate interpretation of the evidence
Session 5: Building your brand and corporate website
  • Building out a comprehensive brand website
  • What should we consider when building out a corporate site with integrated brand promotions

Example of questions being answered:

  • Does the placement of my experience claim, formulary coverage, MOA, dosing, clinical outcome claims etc., have implications for the copy around it?
  • Are there restrictions to how and where I place branded advertising on my corporate site?
  • Can I have editorial content on my brand site? Corporate site?
Session 6: Engaging patients: Patient websites, programs, apps and more
  • How to create compliant patient information
  • Learn how to compliantly engage with patients across multiple platforms
  • Discover if the media impacts the content which is acceptable

Example of questions being answered:

  • What types of references are considered acceptable for patient information?
  • Are there restrictions to connecting patients with other patients?
  • Is functionality a consideration when engaging in new platforms?