PAAB Training 3.0

Elevate your marketing & advertising in Canada

PAAB Masterclass

 Montreal Oct 24 | Toronto Oct 26

PAAB’s team has designed a challenging and fun hands-on workshop that’ll help develop your abilities to apply the code across all marketing & communication materials

Patrick Massad, Commissioner, PAAB

Reasons to attend

  • PAAB's only in-person event this year.
    Collaborate with PAAB reviewers colleagues and executives from other companies.

  • Digital product ads & email case studies - Develop skills to enhance your ability to compliantly present products across popular mediums.

  • Patient Support - Learn to align your patient support program seamlessly with product information, while maintaining compliance.

  • Apply your learnings right away
    87% of our 2022 attendees said they planned to implement what they learned right away.



Plaza Volare

Located in Hôtel Armon Plaza Aéroport
6600 Cote – de – Lisesse, Saint – Laurent,
QC, H4T 1E3, Canada


Sandman Signature Toronto Hotel

55 Reading CT, Toronto, Ontario, M9W7K7, Canada

Who for

The workshop is designed for anyone who has completed 1.0, 2.0 training, or experienced in the PAAB code and working on a regular basis in healthcare advertising, marketing or communication materials that circulate in the Canadian market.


  • 08:30
  • 09:30
  • 16:00


08:30 - 09:30 | Registration and breakfast.

09:30 - 09:45 | Workshop Introduction and house rules. Jennifer Carroll, Director of Communications PAAB

09:45 - 10:45 | Session 1, Becoming a newly appointed PAAB Reviewer: Understand the science of APS Reviews

  • Via group working, you’ll review a competitor's complex Advertising/Promotions System (APS) submission to identify all potential code violations.
  • Apply the principles of the PAAB Code to assess the acceptability of all copy, tools, formatting, and linkages.
  • Practice verbalizing a PAAB response with your group to solidify your knowledge of code principles and skills in a review process.

10:45 - 11:05 | Coffee break

11:05 - 12:00 | Session 1.1: Create a detailed and accurate PAAB letter

  • Utilize your previous experience and insights gained from the first session to co-create with your team a comprehensive PAAB Letter.
  • Highlight all applicable Code references in the letter to support your analysis.
  • Provide recommendations for compliant solutions when non-compliance is identified.

Session Deliverable

  • A comprehensive, accurate and effective PAAB letter, showcasing proficiency in applying the Code's principles to a complex APS.

Learning objective:

  • Enhanced verbalization and writing skills related to PAAB responses.
  • Deeper understanding of effectively applying principles of the Code in practice.


12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch

13:00 - 14:00 | Session 2, Responding to PAAB Reviewers: Aligning submission updates to meet code requirements

In the day’s 2nd session, you’ll collaborate with your colleagues to respond to a PAAB letter; unpacking a fictional submission created by newly appointed Reviewers from an opposing group.

  • Work within your group to resolve all identified challenges and propose compliant solutions.
  • Incorporate reviewer recommendations where applicable to enhance compliance.
  • Analyze the impact of recommended changes on compliance with PAAB guidelines to create a detailed and accurate response that meets the Code principles.

Session Deliverable:

  • A clear, well-structured response that addresses all Reviewer comments to meet the Code's principles across a complex APS.

Learning objective:

  • Enhanced critical thinking and problem-solving skills to address non-compliance effectively.
  • Improved ability in presenting accurate and precise amendments to a complex APS.

14:00 - 14:20 | Coffee 

14:20 - 15:45 | Summary Discussion: Share Insights and Resolutions

In the day’s final session, (actual) PAAB reviewers will summarize the challenges injected into each APS, illustrating how each group effectively reviewed and then resolved all issues. 

This session will be a chance for you to further discuss discrepancies, share insightful discussions from your group and gain answers to any final questions. 


16:00 | Event Ends  

Disclaimer: PAAB reserves the right to make changes to the agenda and timings as necessary. 


 Early Bird   Expired Sep 8, 2023 

Full PriceFrom Sep 9, 2023 

GROUP DISCOUNT (3+ = 5%, 10+ = 10% off) 
Enquire if you want to take advantage of the discount! email: [email protected]

Bespoke case study content delivered in a collaborative workshop

  1. The only PAAB face-to-face event this year! Numerous reviewers from the PAAB team onsite to provide guidance

  2. A robust workshop designed to cement your learning with examples of fictitious drugs and advertising case studies

  3. You’ll put your new insights to work immediately: 87% of our 2022 attendees said they planned to implement what they learned right away 

Certificate & LinkedIn Badge

Showcase your understanding of the PAAB code

Demonstrate that your PAAB knowledge is up to date

Certification achieved by students who pass ALL final quizzes in the course

Badges provided by a 3rd party provider, Credly, and sync directly to your LinkedIn once your account has been created.


Questions? Please email Jennifer Hamilton on [email protected]